The XML Editor uses XML to describe compensation plans. Every template will begin with the line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This defines the XML version and the character encoding (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-8)).

Next, we have to define the template. Contain templates within the opening and closing <Template> tag.



Every element in an XML document must have a beginning and ending tag or begin and end within one tag:

<SetRank Rank="5" />

The <SetRank> tag above is self-closing because it ends with /``; meaning, it doesn’t need a separate ` closing tag.

This <SetRank> element also has an attribute named Rank. Use attributes to set simple values for an element. For more complex values, nest elements inside each other.

For example, the <Template> below has <Rules> within it. One of the rules is Name="G2" Description="Gold 2", which has conditions required to meet. If met, you will become a Rank 5 Associate.

  <Rule Name="G2" Description="Gold 2">
      <MeetsRule Rule="Active" />
      <MeetsRule Rule="G1" />
      <PVCondition Max="-1" Min="150" Volume="pqv" />
      <SetRank Rank="5" />

In this example, the Associate needs to meet the conditions (<MeetsRule>) for "Active" and "G1", as well as have at least 150 (Min="150") Personal Volume from Volume="pqv". You must define these terms elsewhere in the <Template>.

As you build your commission template, you define:

  • Different types of volume
  • Where they come from
  • How to earn them.

You then use these volumes later on in:

  • Calculating payouts
  • Determining which Rank the Associate has earned


Logical AND. All statements in the AND are looked at as a group. If you have a <Rule> with three statements in the <AND>, every statement must be true for the Rule condition to be true. If one statement is false, then the Rule is not met.


 <Rule Description="PS Commission Active" Name="PSComACT">
                <PVCondition Max="-1" Min="200" Volume="PS" />
                <MeetsRule Rule="Aff" />

Put simply:

<Do This>

<Do This>


<Do This>


Logical OR. Each <OR> is looked at individually. If you have a <Rule> with three statements in the <OR>, only one of the statements must be true for the Rule condition to be true.


<Rule Name="Member" Description="Member">
            <AssociateTypeCondition AssociateBaseType="4" />
            <AssociateTypeCondition AssociateBaseType="5" />
            <AssociateTypeCondition AssociateBaseType="6" />

Essentially, you could look at it like this:

<Do This>


<Do This>


<Do This>


Logical NOT. You can mark an exception for a particular condition. You can meet the <Rule> as long as your condition is not X.


<Rule Name="FSNotPay" Description="Fast Start Not Paid">
            <PaidOnCondition Bonus="Fast Start 1" Rule="FSNotPay" IncludePastPeriods="True" IncludeCurrentPeriod="True" />

It's like saying, "It's anything BUT this."