Passing Arguments to Outcomes
An argument is a Key-Value Pair that passes into the Outcome defined in the EventRuleOutcomeTable
EventRuleOutcomeID Key Value
Key is a string. Value is a string.
For Example:
- Key =
- Value =
if (outcomeContext.Arguments.TryGetValue("StatusId", out string status))
if (Int32.TryParse(status, out int statusId))
_distributorService.SetAssociateStatus(outcomeContext.EventDataPoint.AssociateId, statusId);
_logger.LogWarning(Id, $"Invalid type for argument StatusId, cannot convert {status} to int. Rule {outcomeContext.Rule.Name}.");
_logger.LogWarning(Id, $"Expected argument StatusId not found. Rule {outcomeContext.Rule.Name}.");
As the example shows, use the TryGetValue
for the Argument Key and TryParse
for the Argument Value to validate the argument(s) that is(are) required for the Outcome.
Updated about 4 years ago