Payment Pools


A pool that has a cap and will create negative payment for anyone in CapFromBonus to get under the cap.

NameThe element name.
TreeVolumeThe volume to use for this pool.
CapFromBonusThe Bonuses to pull from if over the cap.
VolumePercentThe percent of TreeVolume to use for the total amount of this pool.
CappedBonusNameThe name of the capped bonus.


  <CappedPool Name="" TreeVolume="" VolumePercent="" CapFromBonus="" CappedBonusName="" />


A pool based on the percent of total volume.

NameThe element name.
TreeVolumeThe volume to use for this pool.
GVPercentThe percent of TreeVolume to use for the total amount of this pool.


   <GVPaymentPool GVPercent="50" TreeVolume="TS" Name="MasterPool" />


A pool that divided evenly by all points in the pool.

NameThe element name.
TreeVolumeThe volume to use for this pool.
GVPercentThe percent of TreeVolume to use for the total amount of this pool.
MaxPayAmountThe maximum amount that a single associate can be paid from this pool.


  <PointBucketPool Name="MasterPool" TreeVolume="TS" GVPercent="3" />