C# Client Library Version History
Important version notes for the DirectScale.Disco.Extension.Abstractions NuGet package
This page contains information about additions, changes and issues with the DirectScale.Disco.Extension.Abstractions NuGet package. This version history is meant to document additions, changes, and known issues. This is not guaranteed to be a complete list of all versions and changes, but includes the most important and relevant changes.
Released November 16, 2022
Supported Frameworks
- .NET 5.0
- .NET Framework 4.61 - Deprecated
.NET 5.0 | Critical Updates
Multiple Process Hooks contain errors that cause degraded functionality prior to this version. Update to this version or greater to resolve the issues experienced in multiple Process Hooks. See the Known Issues in the versions referenced below for a list of affected process hooks.
Resolves Known Issues introduced in
Released November 2, 2022
Supported Frameworks
- .NET 5.0
- .NET Framework 4.61 - Deprecated
✨ New & Improved
- Package compiled to .NET 5.0. This supports developing in the Client Extension with .NET Core 5+
🛠 Fixes & Updates
- Package no longer compiled to .NETSTANDARD 2.0. Any Client Extension should target .NET 5.0+ For more information see the Microsofts .NET and .NET Core Support Policy
Known Issue
.NET 5.0 | Autoships.GetAutoshipBackupPayment Hook Degraded Functionality - Fixed as of v1.0.5346.0
- The GetAutoshipBackupPayment Hook doesn't return a Payment Method.
DirectScale.Disco.Extension.Hooks.Autoships.GetAutoshipBackupPaymentHookResponse Class is missing the PaymentMethod Property
Released October 26, 2022
Supported Frameworks
- .NETSTANDARD 2.0 - No Longer Supported as of 1.0.5321.0. Use .NET 5.0 or greater.
- .NETFRAMEWORK 4.61 - Deprecated
Released June 8, 2022
Supported Frameworks
- .NETFRAMEWORK 4.61 - Deprecated
🛠 Fixes & Updates
- .NETSTANDARD 2.0 | The MerchantId property was removed from the DirectScale.Disco.Extension.PaymentResponse class to clarify that the SinglePaymentMoneyIn.ChargePayment() method does not need to populate this when returning a PaymentResponse.
Known Issue
.NETSTANDARD 2.0 | Multiple Process Hooks Lose Properties Causing Degraded Functionality - Fixed as of v1.0.5346.0
- Orders.ProcessOrderPayment - May cause order payments or other order functionality to fail
- FraudPrevention.GetPreCheck - May cause erroneous behavior when performing Fraud PreCheck
Released November 17, 2021
Supported Frameworks
- .NETSTANDARD 2.0 - No Longer Supported as of 1.0.5321.0. Use .NET 5.0 or greater.
- .NETFRAMEWORK 4.61 - Deprecated
🛠 Fixes & Updates
- .NETSTANDARD 2.0 | The following properties have been removed to simplify the DirectScale.Disco.Extension.NewPayment class
- string PaymentMethodId - Renamed to 'Token'
- string Input1
- string Input2
- string FirstSix
- string Last4
- string CardType
- int InputMonth
- int InputYear
- string RedirectURL
- OnFileProfile ProfileType
- DateTime ExpireDate
- Address Address
- PaymentMethodBillingInfo BillingInfo
Known Issue
.NETSTANDARD 2.0 | Multiple Process Hooks Lose Properties Causing Degraded Functionality - Fixed as of v1.0.5346.0
- The DirectScale.Disco.Extension.NewPayment class is used in the following Process Hooks.
- Orders.ProcessOrderPayment - May cause order payments or other order functionality to fail
- Orders.AdjustNewOrderPayments - May cause order payments or other order functionality to fail
- Merchants.MoneyIn.Emvio.ModifyTransaction - May cause erroneous payment modifications
- Merchants.Fraud.Kount.GetUserDefinedFields - May cause erroneous behavior when performing Fraud PreCheck
- FraudPrevention.GetPreCheck - May cause erroneous behavior when performing Fraud PreCheck
- FraudPrevention.GetOrderPaymentToReview - May cause erroneous behavior when performing Fraud Check
- Associates.Enrollment.GetShouldSendNotification - No Degraded Functionality unless custom code utilized the properties removed.
- Associates.Enrollment.UpdateAssociateBaseType - May cause erroneous behavior with enrollment orders
- Associates.Enrollment.ValidateApplication - No Degraded Functionality unless custom code utilized the properties removed.
- Associates.Enrollment.WriteApplication - May cause erroneous behavior with enrollment orders
Released October 5, 2021
Supported Frameworks
- .NET Framework 4.61 - Deprecated
✨ New & Improved
- Package also compiled to .NETSTANDARD 2.0. This supports developing in the Client Extension with .NET Core 3.1+
Known Issue
.NETSTANDARD 2.0 | Autoships.GetAutoshipBackupPayment Hook Degraded Functionality - Fixed as of v1.0.5346.0
- The PaymentMethod property of the GetAutoshipBackupPaymentHookResponse class is the wrong type and loses properties critical to charging a backup option.
Updated over 2 years ago