Creating & Configuring Merchants


Pre-requisite reading for this article

How Merchants Work

Coding Merchants

See a code example of how to implement the SavedPaymentMoneyInMerchant class

See a code example of how to implement the CommissionMerchant and SinglePaymentMoneyInMerchant class

See a code example of how to implement the CommissionMerchant class

Configuring Merchants


Using the Client Extension

Configurations are managed by the Client Extension and should not be updated with the UI. Find out more about how configurations are managed by reading Deploying The Client Extension

  1. Navigate to your Corporate Admin instance.
  2. Select 'Tools' and then 'Developer Tools' from the main menu.
  3. Click on 'Merchant Integrations'
  4. Click on the 'Add Merchant' button

Once the dialog is open, you will need to fill in the proper fields.

  • MerchantId - This must be unique to all the other merchant registrations. It also must be between 9000 and 9999.
  • Name - The display name to show to the end user when using the merchant in the Directscale system.
  • Description - A description used to help you manage the merchant.
  • CurrencyCode - This must be an ISO3 standard currency code.
  • Merchant Type - The type of merchant for this registration.