Checks that an Associate is a specific Associate type.
Attribute | Description |
AssociateBaseType | Number representing the Associate Type. |
<Rule Name="Customer" Description="Retail Customer">
<AssociateTypeCondition AssociateBaseType="2" />
Checks to see if an Associate has earned Bonus
in the past.
Attribute | Description |
Bonus | The ID of the Bonus that may have been earned. |
<EarnedBonus Bonus="" />
Checks to see if an Associate enrolled in TimeSpan
or VolumeRange
Attribute | Description |
VolumeRange | The ID of the VolumeRange . |
Begin and End | Time span representing the time from the beginning of the period. For example, the last 30 days. |
<Rule Name="QualifiedPeriod" Description="Enrolled in the qualified period">
<EnrolledInConditionT Begin="6/1/2019" End="12/30/9999" />
<Rule Name="NewEnrollee" Description="New Enrollee">
<AssociateTypeCondition AssociateBaseType="1" />
<EnrolledInCondition VolumeRange="Monthly" />
Checks to see if the current period is before ExpireDate
Attribute | Description |
ExpireDate | Date to expire on. |
<ExpiresOnCondition ExpireDate="" />
Checks to see if a Fast Start was purchased in VolumeRange
Attribute | Description |
Index | The Fast Start index to check. |
VolumeRange | The ID of the Volume Range. |
<FastStartCondition Index="" VolumeRange="" />
Associates on Level Generation
in Tree
has combined PV of Min
Attribute | Description |
AssociateBaseType | |
Tree | |
Generation | |
Min | |
Max |
<GenerationGVCondition AssociateBaseType="" Tree="" Generation="" Min="" Max="" />
Cheks that Associates has TreeVolume
within Min
and Max
. PersonalVolume
can be included if needed.
Attribute | Description |
TreeVolume | Tree Volume to get the volume from. |
Min | Minimum volume needed to meet condition. |
Max | Maximum volume before condition is false. |
MaxPerLeg | Maximum GV that can come from each leg. |
PersonalVolume | If personal volume is need, The Volume to use for personal volume. This has it's own cap and does not use MaxPerLeg . |
MaxPersonal | The maximum personal volume that can contribute. |
<Rule Description="Leading Affiliate" Name="LA">
<PVCondition Max="-1" Min="300" Volume="PS" />
<GVCondition PersonalVolume="PS" MaxPersonal="-1" IncludeCompressed="True" CompressRule="" Level="-1" MaxPerLeg="-1" Max="-1" Min="1000" TreeVolume="TS" />
<SetRank Rank="20" />
Checks to see if a Kit of KitLevel
was purchased.
Attribute | Description |
KitLevel | The Kit Level from Inventory Item. |
GreaterThan | If true, a Kit Level greater than KitLevel will be accepted as true. Otherwise the exact Kit Level is needed. |
InCurrentPeriod | If true, the kit would need to be purchased within the current commission period. |
<Rule Description="New products eligible" Name="New">
<HasKitCondition KitLevel="9" GreaterThan="false" InCurrentPeriod="false" />
<SetStat Name="Kit" Description="Purchased product" />
Checks Tree
to see if Leg
has a node in it.
Attribute | Description |
Tree | The tree to check in. |
Leg | The leg to check for. |
<HasLegRule tree="Enrollment" Leg="">
Checks to see if Rank
was reached in the past.
Attribute | Description |
Rank | The number of the rank that is needs to be reached. |
ExactMatch | If true, a rank higher than Rank can't have been reached. |
VolumeRange | |
TemplateName |
<HighRankCondition Rank="" ExactMatch="" VolumeRange="" TemplateName="" />
Checks to see if Rule
was hit ConsecutiveTimes
Attribute | Description |
ConsecutiveTimes | The number of times the Rule must be met. |
GracePeriods | GracePeriods is the number of periods that the Rule can be missed and still count as hitting the consecutive. |
GraceBegin | GraceBegin is how many times Rule must be met before the GracePeriods can start to be used. |
Rule | The rule that must be met ConsecutiveTimes |
<HitRuleConsecutive ConsecutiveTimes="" GracePeriods="" GraceBegin="" Rule="" />
Checks to see if Rule
was hit in a past period.
Attribute | Description |
Rule | The Rule to check for |
PrevIndexBegin | How many periods back to begin checking to see if Rule was hit. |
PrevIndexEnd | How many periods back to stop checking to see if Rule was hit. |
UseIndex | This must be true for PrevIndexBegin and PrevIndexEnd to work. If false, it will check all past periods. |
TemplateName | Used if the rule is from a different template. |
<Rule Name="PreviouslyActive" Description="Associate or Retail Customer that has 75 PV in the last period">
<HitRulePrevious Rule="Active" PrevIndexBegin="1" PrevIndexEnd="1" UseIndex="True" />
Check to coding tree to see if Count
Associates have hit Rule
Attribute | Description |
CodingRank | The rank for the coding tree to check. |
Count | How many associates need to meet Rule .Rule: The rule to check. |
PersonallyEnrolled | If true, The associates that meet Rule must also be personally enrolled in order to contribute to Count . |
<InCodingTreeCondition CodingRank="" Count="" Rule="" PersonallyEnrolled="" />
Checks that an Associate resides in Country
Attribute | Description |
Country | The ISO country code to check against. There can be multiple countries. |
<InCountryCondition Country="US,CA" />
Checks the ID of an Associate to see if it is in a list of IDs.
Attribute | Description |
IDList | The list of Associate IDs to check against. |
<InIDListCondition IDList="257,189,343" />
Checks to see if there are Count
Associates in Leg
of Tree
that have hit Rule
Attribute | Description |
RootTree | Gets the list of associates to check from generation 1 of this tree. |
Tree | The tree that contains the Leg to check. |
Count | The number of associates that need to meet Rule . |
Rule | The rule that the associates needed to have hit. |
Leg | The leg to check the Count in. |
<InLegCondition RootTree="" Tree="" Leg="" Count="" Rule="" />
Checks that an Associate resides in RegionId
Attribute | Description |
RegionIds | The region ID to check against. There can be multiple regions. |
<IsInRegionCondition RegionIds="3,7" />
Checks to see if Rank
was reached last period.
Attribute | Description |
Rank | The number of the rank that is needs to be reached. |
ExactMatch | If true, a rank higher than Rank cannot have been reached |
<LastRankCondition Rank="40" ExactMatch="True" />
Checks to see if Leg
has Group Volume (GV) equal to or greater than Min
and not over Max
Attribute | Condition |
Tree | The Tree Volume to get volume from. |
Leg | The leg to check GV volume type. |
Min | The minimum amount of GV needed to meet the condition. |
Max | If GV is greater than Max , the condition will not be met. |
RolloverMax | The maximum volume that can come from rollover. |
NewMax | The maximum volume that can come from standard, not rollover, volume. |
<LegGVCondition Tree="" Leg="" Min="" Max="" RolloverMax="" NewMax="" />
Checks to see if there are RequiredLegs
in Tree
that have at least one Associate that hit Rule
Attribute | Condition |
Tree | The tree to check in. |
RequiredLegs | The number of legs that need at least one associate that hit Rule . |
Rule | The rule to check for. |
PersonalSponsored | If true, only count associates that are personally sponsored |
<LegsWithRule Tree=""RequiredLegs="" Rule="" PersonalSponsored="">
Checks to see if there are Count
associates in Leg
that have hit Rule
Attribute | Condition |
Tree | The tree to check in. |
Leg | The leg to check in. |
Rule | The rule to see if associates have hit. |
Count | The number of associates that need to meet Rule for this to be true. |
PersonalEnrolled | If true, The associates that meet Rule must also be personally sponsored. |
MaxRollover | The maximum rollover to use if Leg is weak or strong when finding the proper leg. |
TreeVolume | The volume to use to find the proper leg if Leg is weak or strong. |
<LegWithRule Tree="" Leg="" Rule="" Count="" PersonalEnrolled="" MaxRollover="" TreeVolume="">
Checks that there are Count
Associates in the first generation of Tree
Attribute | Condition |
Tree | The tree to check in. |
Rule | The rule to check for. |
Count | The number of associates that needed to have hit Rule . |
<Rule Description="Nano Influencer" Name="NI">
<PVCondition Max="-1" Min="500" Volume="PS" />
<GVCondition PersonalVolume="PS" MaxPersonal="1250" IncludeCompressed="True" CompressRule="" Level="-1" MaxPerLeg="1250" Max="-1" Min="2500" TreeVolume="TS" />
<Level1Condition Tree="Enrollment" Count="1" Rule="BLeg" />
<SetRank Rank="40" />
Checks that there are Count
Associates in Generation
of Tree
Attribute | Condition |
Tree | The tree to check in. |
Rule | The rule to check for. |
Count | The number of associates that needed to have hit Rule . |
Generation | The generation to check Count in. |
CompressRule | An optional rule to use for compression when determining Generation . |
PersonalEnrolled | If true, the associate that meet Rule must also be personally sponsored. |
<LevelCondition Tree="" Generations="" CompressRule="" Count="" Rule="" PersonalEnrolled="" />
Attribute | Condition |
AssociateBaseType | |
Tree | |
Generation | |
Min | |
Max | |
PeriodStart |
<NewGVCondition PeriodStart="" AssociateBaseType="" Tree="" Generation="" Min="" Max="" />
Attribute | Condition |
Rule | Rule to not hit. |
<MeetsRule Rule="NI" />
<NotHitRule Rule="BLeg" />
Attribute | Condition |
Rule | |
PrevIndexBegin | |
PrevIndexEnd | |
UseIndex |
<MeetsRule Rule="NI" />
<MeetsRule Rule="NGenQ" />
<MeetsRule Rule="LI" />
<NotHitRulePrevious Rule="SI" UseIndex="False" PrevIndexBegin="1" PrevIndexEnd="1" />
Checks to see if Associate was paid on a specific Bonus
Attribute | Condition |
Bonus | The bonus to check for to see if the associate has been paid on. |
Rule | The rule containing the Bonus . |
Tag | The tag of the bonus if needed. |
IncludePastPeriods | If true, this will check to see if Bonus was paid for in periods other than this period. |
IncludeCurrentPeriod | If true, this will check to see if Bonus was paid during the current period. |
<PaidOnCondition Bonus="" Rule="" Tag="" IncludePastPeriods="" IncludeCurrentPeriod="" />
Associate in top Percent
Attribute | Condition |
AssociateBaseType | |
Percent | |
FromTop | |
Volume | |
RoundingStrategy |
<PercentileCondition AssociateBaseType="" Percent="" FromTop="" Volume="" RoundingStrategy="" />
Attribute | Condition |
<PromotionCondition />
Checks if Volume
is greater than Min
Attribute | Condition |
Min | Minimum volume needed to meet condition. |
Max | Maximum volume before condition is false. |
Volume | Volume to check against. |
<Rule Description="Current Quick Start 200" Name="QS200">
<PVCondition Max="-1" Min="200" Volume="PS1M" />
<EnrolledInCondition VolumeRange="OneMonthly" />
<SetStat Name="QS200" Description="Current Quick Start 200" />
Attribute | Condition |
Rank | |
ExactMatch | |
VolumeRange | |
TemplateName |
<MeetsRule Rule="QS200" />
<RankCondition Rank="80" ExactMatch="True" />
<NotHitRule Rule="SI" />
Checks to see if Associate is a particular Status
Attribute | Condition |
Status | The status to check for. |
<StatusCondition Status="" />
Updated about 3 years ago