Payment Sources
Pays a matching bonus on MatchBonus
Attribute | Description |
MatchBonus | The bonus to match on. |
Percent | The percent of MatchBonus to match on. |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
<BonusMatchPay MatchBonus="" Percent="" Comment="">
<PVCondition Volume="IVolumeAccumulator" Min="100" Max="900" />
Pays based on the bonus amount set on the inventory item purchased.
Attribute | Description |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
Percent | The percent of the bonus to pay. |
VolumeRange |
<BonusPay Comment="" Percent="" VolumeRange="" />
Pays fixed Amount
unless GroupSize
is more than 0, then is pays Amount
on each batch of GroupSize
Attribute | Description |
Amount | The bonus amount to pay. |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
GroupSize | The group size to pay each amount on. Set to 0 to pay a single bonus. |
OneTimeKey |
<FixedAmountPay Amount="" Comment="" GroupSize="" OneTimeKey="" />
Pays based on the Index
amount set on the inventory item purchased.
Attribute | Description |
Index | The bonus index corresponding to the inventory item index bonus. |
Percent | The percent of the bonus to pay. |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
<IndexedBonusPay Index="" Comment="" Percent="" />
Attribute | Description |
TotalParts | |
TotalToPay | |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
Rule |
<InstallmentPay TotalParts="" TotalToPay="" Comment="" Rule="" />
Attribute | Description |
Tree | |
Percent | Percent to pay |
IncludePV | |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
<LesserLegPay Tree="" Percent="" Comment="" IncludePV="" />
Attribute | Description |
Volume | The volume to pay on. |
BatchSize | |
Amount | Amount to Pay |
TrackUsedVolume | |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
AllowVolumeSplits |
<PVBatchPay Volume="" BatchSize="" Amount="" AllowVolumeSplits="" TrackUsedVolume="" Comment="" />
Pays a percentage of Volume
Attribute | Description |
Volume | The volume to pay on. |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
Percent | The percent of Volume to pay. |
<PVPay Volume="" Percent="" Comment="" />
Attribute | Description |
SequenceSize | |
Rule | |
RestartOnFailed | |
Pay | |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
<SequencePay SequenceSize="" RestartOnFailed="" Rule="" Comment="">
<FixedAmountPay Amount="25" Comment="$25 bonus" GroupSize="0" />
Attribute | Description |
TreeVolume | |
WeakLegVolume | |
StrongLegVolume | |
PercentPay | |
TotalMaxVolume | |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
<WeakLegVolumePay TreeVolume="" PercentPay="" WeakLegVolume="" StrongLegVolume="" TotalMaxVolume="" Comment="" />
Pays a matching bonus on MatchBonus
with a possible cap.
Attribute | Description |
MatchBonus | The bonus to match on. |
Percent | The percent of MatchBonus to match on. |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
BonusCap | The Max amount an associate can make on this bonus. |
<CheckMatchCap MatchBonus="" Percent="" Comment="" BonusCap="">
<PVCondition Volume="IVolumeAccumulator" Min="100" Max="900" />
Pays a percentage of PayVolume
with multiple cap sources
Attribute | Description |
PayVolume | The volume to pay on |
Percent | Percent to pay. |
HardCap | Cap in Dollar Amount |
AutoVol | Autoship Template Volume to Cap From |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
<AllOfIt PayVolume="" Percent="" HardCap="" AutoshipVolume="" Comment="" />
Pays a percentage of Volume
Attribute | Description |
Volume | The volume to pay on. |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
Percent | The percent of [Volume] to pay. |
AssociateBaseTypes | Types That Receive All of It Bonus |
HardCap | Cap in Dollar Amount |
AutoshipVol | Autoship Template Volume to Cap From |
<DirectOrderPay Volume="" Percent="" Comment="" AssociateBaseTypes="" HardCap="" AutoshipVol="" />
Fast Start Level Bonus
Attribute | Description |
FastStartLevel | Start Level to Process. |
StartDaysInEnrollment | Days from Enrollment for Start of Period. |
StartDaysInEnrollment | Days from Enrollment for End of Period. |
Amount | Amount to Pay. |
Comment | A comment to put in the bonus detail. |
<FastStart Level="" StartDays="" EndDays="" Amount="" Comment="" />
Updated about 3 years ago