External App to Web Office (External ID)

This method returns a qualified URL correlating to a specific Associate's External ID. It allows an external application to redirect the browser to the Web Office. Using this URL will log in the Associate to their Web Office account using the External ID.


Important: This process requires previous integration of the External IDs into the DirectScale system. Contact Customer Care if you wish to use this SSO method.

Endpoint: Get SSO URL for External Reference Id

Request URL: https://dsapi.directscale.com/v1/sso/?externalid={externalId}[&dest][&args]


The {externalUserId} parameter is the ExternalReferenceID in the GET Customers endpoint. You must have this External ID configured by DirectScale to correlate with the Associate's Customer ID ({customerid}). You can find the Associate's Customer ID on the Associate's Detail page (referred to as DirectScale ID here), or by using the GET Customers endpoint.


You can pass an optional destination parameter [&dest=] on this call. This allows the SSO URL to send the user to a specific page/view on the Web Office. This is not a file path; it's a named destination configured by DirectScale. A DirectScale developer can add a new destination if needed.

Web Office destinations include:

  • Business > Team Dashboard: teamdashboard
  • Settings > Account: profilesettingAccount
  • Settings > Marketing Site: profilesettingMarketingsite
  • Settings > Communication: profilesettingCommunication
  • Settings > Billing: profilesettingBilling


Note: The destinations listed above are case-sensitive.


You can [&args=] on this call as well. This passes data about the SSO URL destination to the landing page/view. Because these arguments live in a GET, you’ll need to URL encode them. A DirectScale developer can add this parameter if you want to use it.


An Associate clicks the SSO link in the external application. This initiates a request to log in to Web Office. The link request redirects to the external application’s web server. The external app’s server calls DirectScale’s Public API to get a URL for the Associate to follow. The external application server returns the URL from DirectScale's API. The Associate follows the link in their browser, logging them into the Web Office.