Calling the Extension API

With an understanding of How the C# Client Library Works let's cover what needs to be configured to call the Extension API. Two environment variables must be added to the server(s) hosting a .NET Core Web App for the library to be able to call the Extension API successfully.


Overriding the ITokenProvider?

If the ITokenProvider is overridden then the Environment Variables listed below more than likely are incorrect. Consult the client code to know how these values are retrieved if the ITokenProvider is overridden.

Connecting to the Extension API

The base URL of the Extension API must be set as the following environment variable on the server(s) hosting a .NET Core Web App for the library to connect.

Environment Variable

DirectScaleServiceUrl | The base URL to use for calling the Directscale Extension API

ex. [clientID]

Authorizing with the Extension API

The library makes Authorizing and calling the Extension API simple. The Extension API Authenticates & Authorizes requests with an API Key. This key can be sent with requests to the Extension API by adding an environment variable on the server(s) hosting a .NET Core Web App.

Environment Variable

DirectScaleToken | The API key the library will use to call the Extension API

This API Key can be found on the Extension Settings Page. Learn more by reading about Directscale Secret in the Configuring API Keys article