Volume Accumulators


It looks at an Associate's personal orders and sums the volume. Within the element, you call a Volume Type.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
AssociateBaseTypesRestrict to an Associate Type.

Base Associatey Types:

1 = Distributor
2 = Retail Associate
3 = Preferred Customer
VolumeRangeDeclare a Volume Range to gather volume.
MinThe minimum volume amount the Associate needs.
MaxThe maximum volume amount an Associate can have.
SplitMethodUse when splitting orders for the Min and Max requirements.


<VA_Personal AssociateBaseTypes="1" Name="DistributorPV">
       <DefVolType VolumeGroup="QV" />


If you have income centers (people in the Tree more than once), <IncomeCenterSplit> sums the income centers' volume together.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
VolumeReference a volume name.
PrimaryMinThe amount of volume to keep on the primary income center before splitting begins.
SecondaryMinThe amount of volume to put in each income center before volume goes to the next income center.
SecondaryMaxThe maximum volume that any additional income center, not counting the primary, can have. Any remaining volume is assigned to the primary income center.
IncomeCenterSortOrderThe order of income centers to sort volume among, based upon signup date.


<IncomeCenterSplit Name="ICPS" Volume="PS" PrimaryMin="" SecondaryMin="" SecondaryMax="" IncomeCenterSortOrder="" />


If InRegions is true, and the Associate places an order in the defined RegionIds, then the volume will have a value. If an Associate has zero orders in RegionIds, they will have zero volume, no matter how many orders they have. <RegionOrderVolume> is helpful if you need to build different compensation plans for different countries.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
VolumeReference a volume name.
RegionIdsThe regions to include.

You can find the region's ID:

- The URL of the Administration > Regions > {region} page /Corporate/Admin/RegionDetail?rID=7
- The dbo.Regions table recordnumber value for the region.
InRegionsTrue or false.

- If true, the value must be in the RegionIds.
- If false, the value must not be in the RegionIds.


<RegionOrderVolume Name="RegionPS" Volume="PS" RegionIds="7" InRegions="true" />


returns all the volume for a Distributor Associate's customers with a Base Associate Type=2 (Retail Associate). It only looks at a Distributor's customers. If a customer enrolls another customer, then the Distributor would earn volume, the customers would not.

Within the element, you call a Volume Type.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
VolumeRangeDeclare a Volume Range to gather volume.


<Retail Name="DistRetail" VolumeRange="Monthly">
    <DefVolType VolumeGroup="QV" />


<VA_AccumulatorAND> combines two or more Volume Accumulators.


Use of this element could double volume if you add two of the same Volume Acculuators.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
AccumulatorsA comma-separated list of Accumulators to combine together.


<VA_AccumulatorAND Name="VAAND" Accumulators="PS,PS4M,PS1M" />


Accumulates Volume from each CodingRank while only counting an Associate once.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
VolumeReference a volume name.
CodingRanksA comma-separated list of Rank IDs for each Coding Tree from which to accumulate volume.


<VA_CodingMatrix Name="" CodingRanks="" Volume="" />


Compare all the Associates' signup dates that contributed to Volume to the primary Associate's signup date. If the signup date is within Days, the volume accumulates.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
VolumeReference a volume name.
DaysThe number of days to compare enrollment dates to.


<VA_EnrolledInWindow Name="" Volume="QualifiedVolume" Days="7" />


Compares First volume with a Second volume and removes duplicate contributing Associates.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
FirstReference a volume name to be compared.
SecondThe volume to remove from First.
SymmetricTrue or false.

If true, the result will contain results from First and Second that are not in each list.
OrderNumberSplitTrue or false.

- If true, <VA_Except> looks at OrderNumber only, Volume will be adjusted if not equal.

For example, suppose you have the first and second volumes defined. If an OrderNumber has 100 volume in the first and 50 volume in the second, then <VA_Except> will have 50 volume.

- If false, then <VA_Except> looks for a perfect match. If OrderNumber, Associate, volume amount, etc., is the same, then it removes the duplicates.


<VA_Except Name="vaexcept" First="QV" Second="pcv" Symmetric="false" />


Get the volume for the first order in the current period. Within the element, you call a Volume Type.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
RuleReference a Rule name.
MinVolumePass in a minimum volume amount for the order to count.


<VA_FirstOrderVolume Name="" Rule="" MinVolume="">
    <DefVolType VolumeGroup="QV" />


Pass in two Volume Accumulators (First and Second) and it returns only the orders that happened in both.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
FirstThe first Volume Accumulator that intersects with the Second.
SecondThe second Volume Accumulator that intersects with the First.


<VA_Intersect Name="VAIntersect" First="QS" Second="RRCV" />


Sums personal and personally enrolled Associates of AssociateBaseTypes. Within the element, you call a Volume Type.


Be careful when using this element. You're doubling volume and if used in the wrong place, the client will pay way more than they should have.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
AssociateBaseTypesRestrict to an Associate Type.

Base Associate Types:

1 = Distributor
2 = Retail Associate
3 = Preferred Customer
MaxThe maximum amount to roll up from AssociateBaseType.
ExchangeRateEnter a percentage of the volume an Associate gets from AssociateBaseType.
SplitMethodThe split method for splitting the orders up.

- AverageAllOrders
- SplitOrder
- FullOrderDown
- FullOrderUp
VolumeRangeDeclare a Volume Range to gather volume.


<VA_Personal_Retail Name="VAPR" AssociateBaseTypes="2" ExchangeRate="50" SplitMethod="SplitOrder" VolumeRange="Weekly">
    <DefVolType VolumeGroup="QV" />


<VA_RetailRollup> does almost the same things as <VA_Personal_Retail> except the customer doesn't get volume. Within the element, you call a Volume Type.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
RuleReference a Rule name.


<VA_RetailRollup Name="PS3M" VolumeRange="ThreeMonthly" >
        <DefVolType VolumeGroup="QV" />


Creates a volume bucket with a sub amount of another Volume. This can be used to split volume into multiple groups.

NameGive the Accumulator a name to reference later.
VolumeReference a volume name to split.
MinThe begin amount to start to split
MaxThe end amount to end the split.
SplitMethodThe split method for splitting the orders up.

- AverageAllOrders
- SplitOrder
- FullOrderDown
- FullOrderUp


<VA_SplitVolume Name="" Volume="" Min="" Max="" SplitMethod="" />


Adds two Volume Accumulators together. Includes both the contributing orders from First and Second.

FirstThe first volume to include.
SecondThe second volume to include.


<VA_Union Name="" First="" Second="" />