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((FB~Live~help))- Can I contact Facebook about my account being hacked?

  1. Visit the Help Center

Start by going to the Facebook Help Center"[*Quickly Response Dial Now TFN ((1-855-324-9115)) Live Chat Support + Rapid Call 🤙 SuppoRt ((1-855-324-9115))”. Search for “hacked account.” Facebook provides specific steps to help you secure your account and recover access.

  1. Use the "Secure Your Account" Tool

If you can still access your account, go "[*Quickly Response Dial Now TFN ((1-855-324-9115)) Live Chat Support + Rapid Call 🤙 SuppoRt ((1-855-324-9115))” to the Security and Login Settings. There, you can find the option to secure your account and log out of any devices you don’t recognize.

  1. Report the Hacked Account

If you can’t access your account, use the Hacked Accounts "[*Quickly Response Dial Now TFN ((1-855-324-9115)) Live Chat Support + Rapid Call 🤙 SuppoRt ((1-855-324-9115))” page. Follow the prompts to report that your account has been compromised. You’ll be guided through steps to verify your identity.

  1. Check Your Email

Look for any emails from Facebook regarding suspicious activity"[*Quickly Response Dial Now TFN ((1-855-324-9115)) Live Chat Support + Rapid Call 🤙 SuppoRt ((1-855-324-9115))”. If you received a message about a login you didn’t make, follow the instructions in that email to secure your account.

  1. Be Patient

Once you report the issue, "[*Quickly Response Dial Now TFN ((1-855-324-9115)) Live Chat Support + Rapid Call 🤙 SuppoRt ((1-855-324-9115))” Facebook may take some time to respond. Keep an eye on your email for updates.